Online GBA Emulator
This emulator is writen in Java programming language, so if you already have Java on your computer there is no need to install anything else. Simpley select GBA ROM you want to play and the GBA Emulator will run online in your browser. (if you do not have a Java plugin for you browser you will need to download it from the Oracle's site - it is totaly free)
[R] is GBA Button A
[T] is GBA Button B
[E] is GBA Button LS
[Y] is GBA Button RS
[TAB] is GBA Button SELECT
[ENTER] is Button START
[+] Increase FrameSkip (Faster Speed)
[-] Decrease FrameSkip (Smoother)
[P] Pause Emulation
[Z] Reset Emulation
If online emulation is not as precise as you would like it to be I would suggest you try a standelone Windows software app. Download VBA Link and No$GBA for multiplayer action or another full featured gameboy advance emulator.
R ir gamboy poga A
T ir gamboy poga B
E ir gamboy poga LS
Y ir gamboy poga RS
[TAB] ir poga SELECT
Klaviatūras bultiņas ir GBA LEFT/RIGHT/UP/DOWN
+ Paātrina emulāciju
- Palēnina emulatora darbību (Smoother Speed)
P Pauze
Z Pārlādē |
Download VisualBoy Advance
Visualboy Advance is one of the best if not THE best GBA emulator
for windows. Featuring great speed, excellent compatibility, sound
support, savestates, cheat functions, skin support and multiple
languages, you really can't go wrong.Download VBALink Emulator
Link Cable Multiplayer GBA ROMs. Supports Multiplayer mode with
2-4 players.
Xbox 360 emulators -
SNES, GBA, NES, Gameboy and DS emulators for moded Xboxes.
The Xbox iso player is the best emulator which can be used to access the game files. It can be downloaded and installed in personal computers, laptops and other compatible devices. This allows the Xbox 360 games to be played even without the actual video game system. Download and istall Playstation 3 Emulator app to take advcantage of the full potential of your PS3 with a Custom Firmware and classic video game emulation.